How to reduce abandoned shopping carts

When we are building an ecommerce website (online shop) for a client we work hard to ensure that the entire site is designed to maximise the conversion of visitors to customers.  Part of this work is to ensure that the level of abandoned shopping carts is kept to a minimum.
All ecommerce websites suffer from customers who start to place an order and then give up before placing it.  It is very frustrating and can be attributed to a vast number of reasons.  Our own research has identified a diverse range of reasons including “My boss walked in so I had to shut the window!” to concerns about shipping costs, having second thoughts,  delivery timeframe, etc..   We always work with our clients to ensure the website addresses these key concerns as far as possible and that the order process is simple and quick.  But it is impossible to avoid abandoned shopping carts completely.  They are simply a fact of life.

But the good news is that our ecommerce software enables us to capture customer information at an early stage.  So the client can often ‘rescue’ these orders by contacting the would-be customer in a sensitive manner to enquire if there was a problem with their order and perhaps to offer them a incentive to complete their order.  This simple process which can be automated is a great way to increase website conversions.

Does your online shopping offer you this facility?  If not you are likely to be losing thousands of pounds worth of orders.  So please contact us and see how we can help.   GO TO OUR CONTACT PAGE

How to reduce abandoned shopping carts